Hay friends, Dengerin lagu yuks
Hehehehe ..

Aku tidak punya bakat khusus. Aku hanyalah orang yang penasaran.,
Terkadang Harapan memang tidak sesuai Kenyataan, kawan !!. Cobalah belajar menerima kenyataan walau sepahit apapun itu,.
karena sesungguhnya Kenyataan lebih indah dari sekedar harapan kosong. -Riski Maulana-.
Riski Maulana D'oank


Banten, Indonesia

Banggalah pada dirimu sendiri, Meski ada yang tak Menyukai. Kadang mereka membenci karena Mereka tak mampu menjadi seperti dirimu.
Planet Cyber TKJ-1


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Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

FBI Hunting Facebook Hackers

Action hacker who managed to infiltrate into the Facebook network is quite horrendous. Even to the extent that the FBI had been deployed to track down the perpetrators. Yes, some time ago Facebook acknowledged that its network was possessed by the hacker. This incident allegedly happened a long time because Facebook recently admitted a month after the actor in action. FBI Hunting Facebook Hackers Image: Cio.com However, Facebook claims that no data any user who managed digasak offender. Even those who claim to be capturing malware hackers to infiltrate. This malicious program will be further studied to find the antidote. As quoted by Reuters on Tuesday (19/02/2013), in addition to analyzing malware obtained Facebook now also is working with the FBI to find the perpetrators. A number of tracks that hackers had already been collected, and refers to a group of hackers based in China. Facebook breaker also allegedly responsible for hacking other actions experienced by Twitter, New York Times, Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal.

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